Enrolment options
Publication of research results is a quantitative, global measure of a researcher’s achievement. Top journals and conferences seek to publish articles that effectively communicate important research ideas and results. Thus, getting your work published in any top journals requires not only great research results, but also excellent research documentation skills, i.e. a well-written document of processes and results. Often times junior researchers’ manuscripts are rejected by reviewers because their work is not well understood by their peers. Although the important skills required for clear, concise, and effective writing are most often learned through trial and error, the School of Professional and Vocational Education of Uganda Technology and Management University is now offering a series of scientific writing workshops to help researchers develop effective writing skills.
This course trains researchers especially scientists to become more effective, efficient, and confident writers. This is a hands-on course that emphasizes interactive examples and practice. In the first half of the course focused principles of effective writing, examples of good and bad writing, and tips for making the writing process are made easier. The second half of the course focuses on issues specific to scientific writing, including: authorship, peer review, the format of an original manuscript, and communicating science for lay audiences.
Target Audience:
The primary audience include graduate students in both science and humanities disciplines, and professional researchers especially scientists. Individuals whose work involves creative writing can also benefit from the training.
On Completion:
A Certificate will be issued upon completion and submission of the exercises given to participants for the online engagement.
- Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.